Dienstag, 11. März 2025

Tu.3.A - Emerging Equipment Technologies and Validation in Manufacturing and Maintenance

Tu.3.A.1 Portable Low-cost Flat Panel Detectors for Real-Time Digital Radiography
M. Iovea 1 , M. Neagu 1 , B. Stefanescu 1 , G. Mateiasi 1 , I. Porosnicu 1 , E. Angheluta 1
1: Accent Pro 2000, Bucharest, Romania
Tu.3.A.2 Cracked Samples for Airframe Components
I. Virkkunen 1 , J. Patronen 2 , M. Ylitalo 2
1: Trueflaw, Espoo, Finland
2: Patria Aviation, Halli, Finland
Tu.3.A.3 From X-ray Film to Digital Radiography: A Guideline for a Successful Transition
K. Bavendiek 1 , J. Robbins 2 , T. Wenzel 1
1: YXLON International, Hamburg, Germany
2: YXLON International, Cuyahoga Falls, USA
without Manuscript
Tu.3.A.4 Check of Hybrid Structures and Lightweight Construction Materials — Usage of 3D-CT
K.D. Szepanski 1
1: Hachtel Werkzeugbau, Aalen, Germany
Tu.3.A.5 Data Assimilation for Monitoring Resin Transfer Molding of Composite Materials
R. Matsuzaki 1 , A. Todoroki 2 , M. Murata 2 , M. Shiota 1
1: Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan
2: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Abstract with Powerpoint
Tu.3.A.6 Production Integrated NDT: Using a Data Bank for Further Data Processing
S. Nuschele 1 , T. Schmidt 1
1: DLR, Augsburg, Germany
without Manuscript
Tu.3.A.7 Development of an Automated Inspection Method to Characterize Pre-bond Conditions of CFRP Adherent Surfaces
F. Stark 1 , C. Tornow 2 , R. Ganss 1 , C. Cherrier 1 , K. Brune 2
1: Automation W+R, München, Germany
2: Fraunhofer IFAM, Bremen, Germany
Abstract with Powerpoint
Tu.3.A.8 Development and Demonstration of an Automated System for Limited Access Welds Inspection by Using Infrared Active Thermography
R. Fuente 1 , A. García de la Yedra 1 , A.M. Beizama 1 , E. Fernández 1 , E. Gorostegui Colinas 1 , A. Echeverria 1 , P. Broberg 2 , N. Thorpe 3 , A. Runnemalm 2 , P. Henrikson 4
1: IK4-LORTEK, Ordizia, Spain
2: University West, Trollhättan, Sweden
3: Tecnitestest ingenieros, Madrid, Spain
4: GKN Aerospace, Trollhättan, Sweden