Dienstag, 11. März 2025

Mo.4.A - Structural Health Monitoring in General

Mo.4.A.1 Autonomous Wireless Acoustic Sensors for Aeronautical SHM Applications
G. Ferin 1 , T. Hoang 1 , P. Chatain 1 , C. Bantignies 1 , H. Le Khanh 1 , A. Nguyen-Dinh 1 , E. Flesch 1
1: Vermon SA, Tours, France
Mo.4.A.2 In-service Structural Health Monitoring Technique for Large Aerospace Composite Structures
A. Naghashpour 1 , S.V. Hoa 1
1: Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
without Manuscript
Mo.4.A.3 Method for Fiber Optic Strain and Temperature Measurements of Rapidly Rotating Aerospace Structures
E. Shafir 1 , S. Zilberman 1 , T. Goichman 1 , O. Mazor 1 , Y. Saadi 1 , G. Berkovic 1
1: Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel
Abstract with Powerpoint
Mo.4.A.4 Simulation of Structural Damage and its Detection by Method of Electromechanical Impedance
V. Pavelko 1
1: Riga Technical University, Latvia
Mo.4.A.5 A Round Robin Test of Flash Thermography of CFRP structures
N. Rothbart 1 , C. Maierhofer 1 , M. Goldammer 2 , F. Hohlstein 3 , J. Koch 4 , I. Kryukov 5 , G. Mahler 6 , B. Stotter 7 , G. Walle 8 ,
B. Oswald-Tranta 9 , M. Sengebusch 10
1: BAM, Berlin, Germany
2: Siemens, München, Germany
3: Block Materialprüfung, Berlin, Germany
4: edevis, Stuttgart, Germany
5: Universität Kassel, Germany
6: InfraTec, Dresden, Germany
7: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Wels, Austria
8: Fraunhofer IZFP, Saarbrücken, Germany
9: Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria
10: DIN, Berlin, Germany
Mo.4.A.6 Positioning NDT Sensors with a Mobile Robot for Efficient Aircraft Inspections
C. Deneke 1 , C. Schlosser 1 , S. Mehler 2 , T. Schüppstuhl 1
1: Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Germany
2: Lufthansa Technik, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Mo.4.A.7 Expert System to Support Operational Safety of the TS-11 “Iskra” Aircraft and Overhauls of the SO-3 Engines
M. Witos 1 , M. Wachlaczenko 1
1: Air Force Institute of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Mo.4.A.8 On-line Damage Monitoring and Evaluation in CFRP Aerospace Structures during Mechanical Testing
F. Lasagni 1 , B. Rodriguez 1 , M.d. Santamaria 1 , C. Galleguillos 1 , S. Hernández 2 , E. Cuevas Aguado 2
1: CATEC, La Rinconada, Spain
2: Tecnatom, San Sebastian de los Reyes, Spain