Dienstag, 11. März 2025

We.3.A - Emerging Technology in Acoustics, Liquid Penetrant, Optics and Potential Measurement

We.3.A.1 New Network Protocol Standard for High Speed Cameras
R. Huber 1
1: AOS Technologies, Baden-Daettwil, Switzerland
Abstract with Powerpoint
We.3.A.3 Identification of Gage Factors of a Unidirectional Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic by Multipoint Potential Measurement
M. Ueda 1 , A. Todoroki 2
1: Nihon University, Tokyo, Japan
2: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
We.3.A.4 Advances in Aerospace Thermography Using Thermographic Signal Reconstruction
S.M. Shepard 1
1: Thermal Wave Imaging, Ferndale, USA
without Manuscript
We.3.A.5 Technical and Practical Requirements, New Possibilities, Actual and Upcoming Standardization of UV-LED Lamps for Fluorescent Magnetic-Particle- (MPI) and Penetrant Inspection (FPI)
M. Breit 1
1: RIL-CHEMIE/Secu-CHEK, Kleinblittersdorf, Germany
Abstract with Powerpoint
We.3.A.6 Inspection of Welds with Impulse Acoustic Microscopy
Y. Petronyuk 1 , V. Levin 1 , E. Morokov 1
1: Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Abstract with Poster
We.3.A.7 Three Dimensional Examination of Directivity Pattern in Immersion Tank Testing
D. Kotschate 1 , T. Heckel 1 , D. Gohlke 1
1: BAM, Berlin, Germany
We.3.A.8 The Future of On-Wing-Inspection
R. Weger 1
1: SCHÖLLY FIBEROPTIC, Denzlingen, Germany
without Manuscript